THE HAULTAIL® BAG IS unlike single use plastics bags, this bag can be reused 3-5 times, and is Environmentally friendly, recyclable and can hold up to 110lbs. The HAULTAIL® APP is a Delivery On-Demand system that identifies, new items, used items or junk and debris, in order to be scheduled to be picked up. Matching the load to the closest vehicle with consideration of the carbon footprint. . . #rubbish #waste #wastemanagement #garbage #trash #wastecollection #recycle #trucks #refuse #trashtag #plastic #garbagetruck #haultailbag #garbagecollection #automatedgarbagetruck #phoenix #hawaii #losangeles #trashcollection #garbagetrucks #trashtrucks #refusecollection
THE HAULTAIL® BAG IS unlike single use plastics bags, this bag can be reused 3-5 times, and is Environmentally friendly, recyclable and can hold up to 110lbs. The HAULTAIL® APP is a Delivery On-Demand system that identifies, new items, used items or junk and debris, in order to be scheduled to be picked up. Matching the load to the closest vehicle with consideration of the carbon footprint. . . #rubbish #waste #wastemanagement #garbage #trash #wastecollection #recycle #trucks #refuse #trashtag #plastic #garbagetruck #haultailbag #garbagecollection #automatedgarbagetruck #phoenix #hawaii #losangeles #trashcollection #garbagetrucks #trashtrucks #refusecollection